Tuesday, January 18, 2011

WOD - Wednesday, 19/1/2011

Back Squat


As many rounds as possible in 18min of:
Run 200m
18 "True" Burpees

After three years of being a single dad with not a lot of spare time I had slowed down way to much and something had to give. Combine that with shift work and way too much drinking something had to give it was time for a change.
I had read a lot about CrossFit but never done anything about it. So when I saw CrossFit Attitudes business card it was just the push I needed (and my terrible holiday photos helped)

The first session with Shannon really rammed home how unfit I was but made me more determined to keep going. Fast forward 6 months I have lost 20kg and am stronger fitter and most importantly happier then ever! It has not been just a change of activity but a total change of lifestyle that would not have been possible without Shannon and Tuppence pushing me all the way with nothing but encouragement and support. Also I have made a new group of friends that I’m sure will have for life.

I would recommend CrossFit Attitude to anyone who wants to change their lives and have fun. Just take the first step and go. You won’t regret it!

-Nick Grundy

Nice work Nick! We are honored to have you as a member of CFA!

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