Saturday, January 10, 2009

Weekly fee - Direct Debit (via ezi debit)

Unlimited sessions - $32.50 a week/$21.25 a week for full-time students
3 x sessions $25 a week
2 x sessions $20 a week

This is the only payment method for all members. We will not accept cash. Direct debits can be setup by filling out the appropriate form when you are training next. You will need your BSB and account number.

Pay as you go
Casual (Drop In) - $20 (For visiting CrossFitters only)
10 Session Pass - $150 (Valid for only 2 months)

Private Sessions
$65 for a 1 hour private session. Available by appointment only.

For more information on Personal Training click HERE

(All prices subject to change)

CFA strongly believes in the programs we are offering and your experiences will be what keep you coming back for more.

Email for more information on joining CFA

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