Thursday, March 19, 2009


During my training sessions I always ask my athletes what they have eaten today, particularly for breakfast. This question seems to always get a very similar response from the women. The most common response is
  • Nothing
  • A cup of juice/coffee
  • Or a piece of toast!
This response for some reason always comes from the 20 to 40 year old. Why the fuck would you only have a piece of fucking dry toast for breakfast?! I blame the ladies magazines! The magazines are always promoting some stupid fucking “Lemon detox diet” or some similar bullshit like “lose 5kgs in 1 week by following the diet of Lindsay Lohan”. Your breakfast should be full of a shit load of vitamins and minerals. This is what everyone needs to get at breakfast! No exceptions. Stop having toast and Weetbix and start eating fresh fruit, vegetables and some lean meat. Yes you can eat meat for breakfast!
These women are also equally obsessed with being a certain weight no matter the consequences! One client I have wants to be a certain weight, that’s her goal, the number on the scale and that only. This client wishes to achieve this number even if it means losing muscle mass, losing functional capacity and having no fucking energy to even get up off the toilet.
Stop looking at the number on the scales and start looking at how your clothes fit, how strong you feel, your energy levels, and how well you are feeling psychologically. If you stop obsessing over the number and start focusing on the health benefits of fitness you will reach your goals the right way!

17 days until CrossFit Qualifier!

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